Eram Academy For Sports & Excellence

Eram Nagar, Prabhapuram

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To empower and excel students to acquire value based quality education providing an equal nurturing grounds for the overall growth and development of our students.

Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC)


A Grievance Redressal Committee has been formed in our school to settle genuine grievances of students, staff and parents up to a satisfactory level so as to create a healthy relationship among the students, parents and employers. The grievance will include any matter relating to students and staff. The committee is directed to contribute effectively to dispose of the grievances at the earliest.


  • To deals with all the genuine grievances of students and staff of the school
  • All complainant should submit their grievances to the committee either in writing or online via the school website.
  • The committee will meet at least once a month to resolve the grievances.
  • To take conclusive decision and submit its recommendations to the deciding authority for removal of alleged grievances.
  • The student/staff shall bring up his grievance in a prescribe format immediately to the grievance cell without fail.
  • The number of grievance settled or pending will be reported to the Principal every month.


  • A ‘Complaint Box’ is provided at the ground floor in front of the office.
Sl.No. Name Designation Position in GRC Phone Number
1 Ms.Nisha Madhu Principal Head of GRC Available on request
2 Ms.Selma K V Senior Head Teacher Senior Consultant Available on request
3 Ms.Mini Senior teacher Senior Consultant for girls Available on request
4 Mr.Muhammed Musthafa Senior teacher Senior Consultant for boys Available on request
5 Master Muhammed Adheel Asst. Head Boy Student Consultant Available on request
6 Miss. Fathima Sana Asst. Head Girl Student Consultant Available on request
7 Ms.Shabna PTA President Parent Consultant Available on request